Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall Party!

Well, to those of you who still read this blog...hello!
It's been a while, as I usually post pictures and updates on Facebook because it's quicker and easier.
Today I have...well let's say...I made a little extra time--for the sake of slowly but surely bringing our poor, outdated blog back to life. On Saturday, the 20th, we hosted a Fall party/get-together! It was loads of fun, but to save time, I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves. ;)

Have a blessed day, y'all! <3

 It was an absolutely gorgeous, cool, Fall day!
 Wonderful Daddy, who makes all his girl's dreams come true! ;)
 Mission: get a good picture of the boys...mission failed. :P
 Pretty little gals
 What's this? Looks like it's someone's birthday today!
 Happy 20th, Matt!
 Chow time!! ;)
 "Yellow...solo cup!"
 Lovin the face, Liv!
<3 ;)
 Just wow. haha.
 Pretty girlies
 Java!! ;)
 Aaaand the evening comes to a close. Fun times, sweet fellowship, and good friends. Can't ask for more. 
Until next time, folks! Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Congrats on posting! ;) Haha. Great pics! It was such a fun evening. :D


  2. Cute post, Mary! It was alot of work, but loads of fun and good fellowship!


  3. It was an awesome night. :D Thanks for posting about it! Good job. :D


  4. So glad to see you are posting again. Looks like a great party but your fall sure looks a lot different than our's. We have lots of leaves to rake here. :)



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