Monday, July 5, 2010

Take time to......

 Smell the onions....."
 Wait, I don't think that's how it goes.
 Let me try again....
"Take time to pick the peaches."
Better, but I still don't think that's how it goes.
"Take time to get a drink of cool, clear water."
Well, that's a good idea, but still not right.
"Take time to pick the cucumbers..."
....Banana peppers??
.....Green beans??
Ho-hum. I'm not having much success.
"Take time to check on your Lima bean seedlings."
Okay, that sounds retarded. I mean who would make up make a saying like that
Certainly not me.
"Take time to take pictures."

Hmmm....."Take time to take pictures." 
Now I like that one! Surely someone said that......well, they should have.
Okay, I'm gonna give it a few more tries, then I give up......
"Take time to look at the butterflies."
"Take time to be with some of your favorite people."
"Take time to lay on the floor with your favorite dog."
"Take time to be CUTE!"

Some people don't seem have much trouble with this.
Okay, y'all. ONE last try, then I'll have to Google it. 
"Take time to spill the fingers."
"Take time to kill the trowels." 
"Take time to drill the mowers."

I should write a book, "Sayings for every occasion."

"Take time to smell the...cowards?"
"Take time to smell the...towers?"

"Take time to smell the......FLOWERS!!!!!!!!!"

 Phew!! Success at last!
(Thanks for hanging in there, y'all. I knew I'd eventually figure it out.)

 Take time to come back and visit our blog again, y'all! (Don't worry, I'm not always goofy....:P)


  1. LOVED this post, Mary! :)
    The pictures were great, Nathaniel is cute, and you are funny! :)

    I think I need to "Take time to update my blog".... Perhaps I shall, since it's too rainy to go outside these days. :/

    See ya later alligator!:)

  2. Photography A+! Thanks for sharing your day with us!

  3. Mary, You take this best photos! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks, y'all! I had fun with it. ;oD

  5. Very cute and very silly!

    Aunt Katie

  6. are so creative! The photos were excellent and so were all the precious folks in them...especially Nathaniel!!
    Thanks so much for the post. I am in envy over all of "the fruits of your labors"! How awesome!
    Thanks for posting!
    Mrs. Graves for the Graves Gang

  7. That was so cute, Mary! The pics are beautiful. I agree about taking time to take a picture :) I think we might do that too much! ha ha

    Your garden produced so nicely! Praise the Lord!

    Aunt Beth

  8. What a garden you have growing and beautiful peach trees. I love it. We've harvested lettuce and basil and that's it. My son put in hours of planting and weeding and yet it seems that it's not going to pay off. :(

    I liked your witty post btw. :)


  9. Very cute post! I think it does sound like a very cute picture book idea. As always, your pictures are terrific. You have a great eye for art and a witty sense of humor :~)

    Mrs. Franklin


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