Thursday, July 14, 2011

Buon compleanno 15th, Abby!

 Happy 15th Birthday, Abby!
We love you!!!
{Well, her birthday was actually the 8th, but...well, let's just say I slacked off....again.} ;)

On each of our birthdays, Mama takes us girls out to lunch and antique shopping. It's always so much fun. :)
Abby chose the Lavender and Lace tearoom. :)

Abby and the wee tag-along. ;)
Pretty :)

Happy happy birthday, Goober! We love you and don't know what we'd do without your.....
{help me out here, y'all. Words that describe Abby....?} Eccentric...whimsical...outgoing....sweet....genial....sociable....slightly moody....
au courant....chic....generous....
{Oh boy. I'm running out here...} SELF! Anyways, y'all get the point!

Love you, Abby, and can't wait to see what the Lord will do through you this year! You're always such a blessing to all of us!

Daddy, Mama, Callie, Mary, Margaret,
CJ, Will, and Nate


  1. Happy Birthday!!!!!<3 I love you SSOOOO much!!!!!! The times I spent with you and Benny giggling in Grandmama's back room or in the Lil' white house with Y'all,playing at the Millers old property, playing in our woods,making Pumpkin Pie with you last year at Thanksgiving, and enjoying it with Benny at the Frodges are some of the best memories of my life.:)
    I love you SSSSOOO much big cousin!<3

    You are my blub-buddy, we are always "up to something" according to the Waldmans, whether we are dancing (think racist coffee vid) or making fun of how Amish we used to be--you never fail to make me laugh. Thanks for just being YOU! :D

    Love you, peep!
    <OK .....Party hat :P :D ;)


  3. Awwwwww...thank you, Mimi! I love y'all too :) And Markie, YES! Those are wonderful memories! I miss you, and Benny too! Love ya :)

    Manda, thank you, too ;P You needa hurry home so we can partehhh ;) <OK (party hat!)


  4. Happy birthday Abby!!! I hope you have a wonderful year, fill it with as many memories as you can. You'll only be 15 once. :)

    big hugs, xxxx~Kelsey

  5. Happy, happy, happy birthday, Goobergale!!!!! :D You're such a fun (and funny) person, and we love you lots!!!! :D Now, if we could only get you to visit and give us another chat about your "dwatah" and your "traina", life would be great. ;) Love you, Abby!!!!

    Grace, your "Bible Club" pal. :)

  6. Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope you had a wonderful day!!!!!!!!!!!
    I wish I were down there to wish you a Happy Birthday. :( :( Love and miss you,

    Your cousin ,


  7. Thanks, Kels! {{hug}}

    Gracie, I would love to give you another chat about my "dwatah" and my "hot traina". Heheeheh ;) Hopefully she isn't "gettin too invawved" with him...LOL! Love you!!!

    Thank you, Rosie!! I had a wonderful day! I wish you could have been here too. :) I love you and miss you BUNCHES!!

    Love to all,

  8. Happy Birthday Abby!!!!
    You're such a special person, and such a joy to be around! Your energy and zest for life is so refreshing!
    I hope that this year will be a lovely one for you, as you grow in the Lord and continue to be a blessing to the people that God has placed in your life.

  9. goes...Adorable...Precocious (especially as a child) about adorably precocious?...well-read and informative...proficient...willing...and of course gorgeous! (especially in that 1st picture)

    Love you Abby! Can't believe you're 15.

    Aunt Beth
    -- We'll wear gold shoes together won't we?

  10. Awww, thank you Aunt Beth!! I love you too! And yes ma'am, we'll wear gold shoes together!! And big sunglasses, lol!

    Miss you!

  11. Hey Abby:) I have enjoyed interacting in your life and watching you blossom into a beautiful, young lady. You have always made me feel special and loved. The Lavender and Lace was a great choice, I love going there! Happy 15th to you, Thanks for sharing your day with us. Love, Mrs. Stokes

  12. I don't know that I can say anything that hasn't already been said... But I'll try.. ;)

    Remember all those years of writing letters back and forth? What about.. "primitive texting"? ;) Helping each other write plays and/or books. And oh such a long time ago playing dress up at y'all house? And more recently going to Regionals together. Singing "Walk feminine, talk feminine, smile and be girl feminine!" while prancing about in our room. LOL! I am so glad you are my friend!

    Happy (belated) 15th Birthday, Abby! I love you just too much.

    ~Sadie (who hopes that she won't get hit for revealing retarded moments in our lives) ;)

  13. Thank you, Mrs. Stokesies!! Love you!

    Sadie, I'll hit you on Sunday, LOL! But thank you for the laughs all the same! I love you, too!<3


  14. Are you really 15.I remember when you where born


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