Friday, November 19, 2010

Beep Beep Beep.....The Stricklens have updated their Blog. I repeat. The Stricklens have updated their Blog!

 Hello, all you (8) readers of our blog!! Hope y'all haven't felt our absence too severely. ;o) Our camera is in the shop
("in the shop" is that the right phraseology?? Or is that only used when referring to semi's and other vehicles?? Oh well...I guess I can't pretend I haven't lived around truck drivers/mechanics, etc. all my life...) so we don't have too many really recent pictures. For everything I don't have pictures of, I guess I'll just fill you in with good, old fashioned words. ;o)

 The garden is doing quite well. The weather has been gorgeous lately! We are harvesting leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, yellow squash, winter squash, cucumbers, and zucchini right now. The green beans and collards are just about ready. We have started cabbage, turnips, beets, and rutabagas. The seedlings are about to go in the ground.

 On Saturday, we bought some cows from a friend--two heifers and a bull.
There they were safely gathered in the pasture. On Sunday morning.....there they were not safely gathered in the pasture. Rather, they were roaming around the property, grove, and anywhere else but the pasture. :o/
Anyways, we (Well, actually mainly Daddy) got them back in, and fixed the place where they escaped from. That didn't seem to make any difference to the little heathen cows... Apparently they were not satisfied with their new home. The barbed wire being no deterrent whatsoever, they squeezed, jumped, charged, or whatever cows do, through the fence. This time, they went straight for the grove...Have you ever tried finding three little cows in miles upon miles of grove? I know some of you have... ;o)  Anyways, the grove was not their last stop....About 5 miles they tromped till they came upon one of the hundreds of fenced pastures where one of them rammed through. Oh boy....Aaaanyways, to make a long story short, this all started about 6:30 am, and with the help of Granddaddy, Mr. Franklin, and Michael, ended by about 4:00pm. It's really a miracle that they found them! (Thank y'all! Daddy sure appreciated your help!) The cows are now safely in the corral with the goat, who is not terribly thrilled with the arrangements. ;o) As soon as they get used to their surroundings, we will put them back in the pasture.
 Okay, well now that I've rambled on quite sufficiently, I will continue...
Lately, we have been working on fencing the property. As soon as we finish the horse pasture, Lord willing, Callie will get the horse that a kind lady is holding for her.  Wilbur, the pig, is due to be slaughtered in December, and Margaret's goat is...well, doing whatever it is that goats do....(besides be spoiled, picky, loud animals. Sorry, goats are not my idea of an ideal farm animal, or pet.)
Lord willing, we will be getting chicks in the spring. I really, really miss those fresh eggs. :o)

 Tomorrow, Lord willing, we are going to head up to Missouri for Thanksgiving, and to Kentucky to visit the Creation Museum! Can't wait to see all the family up there! I sure hope it's not too cold...(you know me.) ;o)
 Well, y'all, now that I'm through with my rather lengthy epistle, here are some pictures. Hope you enjoy and may the grace and mercy of our sovereign Lord be upon you!

Yellow squash, winter squash, and zucchini
Lots of little cucumber blossoms. :o)

These are really good baked and eaten with cinnamon, butter, and sugar. :oD

Our experimental climbing melons

The cassia tree is so pretty. It blooms all winter!

He's such a little pet. He loooves his nose being scratched. Too bad we have to eat him... ;o)
Helloooooo.......Can I eat your camera??
Oh you know I'm cute....not :oP
Mama and Daddy's 20th Anniversary Bougainvillea thriving on the lovely trellis Daddy built for it. 

I love trees.....Big, shady oak trees. :oD

 Nathaniel's 7 months old! :o)

 Don't you think he looks like a Kewpie doll? ;o)

Well, that's that! Hope y'all enjoyed the update. Come back and see us! :oD

The Lord bless you!


  1. Great photos, Mary! I especially love the ones of Nathaniel. Too cute!
    Mrs. Franklin

  2. LOVED!! the all too familiar story of the "Heathen Cows". What a perfect name for them! Your captions and stories always make me laugh and that's good medicine :)

    Your garden looks wonderful and I absolutely love your precious baby brother, Nathaniel. What a cutie!!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your whole family. We'll be sweating in our 85 degree weather here while your gone.

    Love to you all,
    Mrs. P

    P.S. If you get a call that your cows are roaming the town while your gone, give us a shout. We unfortunately have plenty of experience rounding up cows through groves, towns, neighborhoods, and anywhere else that cows aren't supposed to roam :) !!!

  3. Thanks for the update Mary. Love all the pictures! So happy for y'all about the cows. ;-) Your grandparents were tellin us about y'all's adventures. Hahaa! WOW. And y'all got goats & piggies~ they're so cute! Little Nathaniel is so cute and growing too fast. We still haven't got to meet him. GRrrr...
    Y'all please come!!!

  4. Thank y'all for stopping by!:o)
    Mrs Franklin--Thank you! <3

    Mrs Pollock--So good to hear from you. :o) Yes, the heathen cow incident is kind of funny to relate. ;o) I guess y'all are pretty experienced, huh? We'll have to call y'all next time (hopefully there won't be a "next time, though!) ;o)

    Laney--Thank you! It was wonderful seeing y'all the other day! We really have missed you it's been so long!

    Mary Noelle
    for the Stricklens

  5. Thank you for the comment on my blog.
    Your garden is beautiful! Ours didn't do too well do to more cold weather than hot. Nathaniel is really cute!
    May God bless you.

  6. Hello, Lynnae! Thanks for stopping by. :o) Thank you--I guess the hot weather is pretty much the norm around here, though it's pretty cold right now... :o/ Hope y'all are doing well!
    God bless. :o)

    Mary Noelle


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