Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Come ye Thankful People, Come

Ack! Yes..I realize that I am almost a month late. Nevertheless, here I am, and here, finally, are the pictures from Thanksgiving and the trip up--and the trip down. :o) I will post more recent pictures whenever I get a chance. Y'all (the 9 readers of our blog) just hang in there! The Lord has been faithful once again, and we have safely made it back from Missouri, and then, last week from North Carolina. NCFIC's Love the Church Conference was amazing. But that's another story for another time. 
May the Lord bless y'all till we (virtually) meet again.

The Creation Museum. Boy was it ever a long drive...but so worth it!

My stupendous, wonderful, amazing, lovely, supercalafragalistic, scrumdiddlyumptious parents!
The museum displays were quite amazing!
8 seconds, dinoboy! (okay, okay. Corny alert...)
The camel was hilarious. It really poses for the camera. :oP

  Yes it is F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G!
You think he's been in the car a wee bit too long...? Just maybe?
 A rest stop and time to take a picture. :o)
Little squirt is in good spirits!


 The three Amigos finally reunite. ;o)
 Little people.(and mighty cute ones at that!)
Stinky and Sparky (looking oh so innocent hiding the ipod to pose for a picture.)
Sparky Markie looking lovely...
 Listening intently to Uncle Chris...
 Happy Birthday, Aunt Beth!
 Sweet helpers

 Markie and Matthew
 Benny enjoys the company of his little cousins
Sammy looking extraordinarily sweet. :o)
 My Mama and her Mama. :o)
 My wonderful aunt and uncle
 Hauling logs...

The sawmill at work
Playing Cranium...
"GRACE!! Can't you tell!?! I'm a......." 
(I'm a-making a fool of myself--That's what I'm a-doing.) :oP
My handsome cuz. :oD
Me and Sparky
Eating a cozy meal. :o)
 Time to say goodbye....Waaaah! 
We had a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Now....Time to head South!
...Well, not yet.
 ...After about three or four hours of daddy's expert mechanical abilities being put into action, we were on the road again.
 Isn't the Lord's Providence a wonderful thing? We were invited to stop and stay the night with the Powers family a few hours away. Thank y'all for your sweet hospitality!
 Levi being his usual cute self... :o)

 Bye bye, Powers'!
 We stopped for a brief visit with the Whiddons and were treated to lunch and some more sweet fellowship.

 Callie giving Nina some Dobro tips. :o)

 Lindsay is so good with babies. :o)
What a sweet way to end a wonderful trip!
Thank you, Lord, for your Providence, traveling mercies, and wonderful family and friends! 

 Disclaimer: The quality of our pictures is kind of bad because our "wonderful" Nikon is in the shop (again) and we used a cheaper camera, which was much better than nothing at all!! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Mary! That was such a wonderful post! I really enjoyed remembering the nice time we had when you all came up. The pictures at the Creation Museum were so good. Can't believe that camel poses :) Loved the "frightened" ones too! Your Daddy looked like he was "car wrestling" under the car. ha ha!

    Love you!
    Aunt Beth


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