Monday, January 3, 2011

Florida Crackers, The Movie

  In my constant endeavor preserve my Heritage, prove that Florida is the best state in the US, and to disprove all of the constantly repeated myths about my home state, (a crowded metropolis, Yankee state, non-rural snowbird-land and government regulated tourist attraction)  I submit this little trailer for a movie being produced by an independent film maker. It is quite refreshing if you ask me. Naturally, I am delighted that someone has done this, cause I was thinking on doing it myself sometime. ;o) There are other aspects other than just the cattle business that I would have liked for them to cover, but that's another topic for another movie I suppose. ;o) One thing at a time. So, at any rate, if you had any convoluted ideas about the Sunshine State, throw em out the window. Thanks for being a good sport and watching it.
(You ARE going to watch it, right?? Haha, Just kidding. You certainly don't have to--but you knew that.) :o)

In Christian Love,



  1. Right on!! Im a PROUD florida Cracker decendant! Im glad to see someone shinin light on the matter ;)
    God Bless,
    The Boltons

  2. Great movie, Mary. :) Yes, the *Real* Florida should be better know! People are missing so much :) We are proud of our Florida upbringing and wish more people knew what it really is. Glad these folks are making the movie!!

    Lol..."Florida is the best state in the US"... No bias there... ;) :p

  3. Can't wait till it comes out! Time for the truth to be told! :D Thanks for sharing! :o)

  4. Hahaha!

    I guess *some* Georgians don't give our Floridian neighbors as much credit as we should. ;) I like this aspect of Florida SO MUCH better than what Florida has always meant to me. (The snow-bird state, the state with the most scantily-clad crowd, the beach bums, and the Yankee Capital of the South.)
    Love this aspect of Florida. Hopefully THIS is what I can start thinking of Florida as. :) From the Cracker Country perspective, Florida is almost as wonderful as Georgia and Tennessee. Hahaha! Running away and ducking....

    Love y'all,

  5. Boltons--Hey! Thanks for stopping by. It's good to hear from a fellow Cracker! ;o)

    Lizzie--Haha! No, I'm not biased! What ever gave you that idea? Lol! ;o)

    Amanda--Yeah, we should get it and play it on the projector. :oD

    Mal--LOL! Yer so funny. ;o) Yeah, "real" Florida is much nicer than the cities, amusement parks, and beaches. :oP (Which really make up a relatively small part of it.) I'm glad you're willin to reform your view of Florida. :o) However, I'm glad you like your State better, cause I think people should always be loyal to their home State. (or whatever State the Lord leads them to) ;o) Anyhow, thanks for commenting, y'all! It's good to hear from ya. :o)

    In Christ,


  6. That looks like it will be a great movie! We really enjoyed that, Mary! I remember borrowing a documentary very much along those lines from the Sikes family. Love that Old Florida!!!


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