Sunday, May 29, 2011


Since life has been rather uneventful as of late, I think I shall take this opportunity to step back a few months and do a brief review. Enjoy the pictures, y'all, and thanks for stopping by. :)

We enjoyed a great visit with the Pollocks a few weeks back! Let the camera wars begin! ;)

Goofies. :P
Okay, we're sick of the camera thing...How about we do something else?
...Like maybe tearing apart a red cup and twisting up the shreds for no apparent reason...
Yeah, this is lots of fun!

Thomas patiently listens to William's many long tales of "his past life," such as...
"When I was a cowboy on the range..."
"When I was attacked by a bear and it almost ate me until I killed it with my sword..."
"When I was a fighter pilot and flew a jet very, very high in the sky and crash landed on a lake. Then I almost died..." and other such things....

The girls treated us with a lovely song--beautiful harmony! :)
We love it when Grandmama and Granddaddy come over for a visit. :)
Little chunker. :P

Cal-Sue :o)
Little Nate got his first haircut! I guess he needed it, huh? :)

Alright, y'all! Guess what we're doing next??!
That's right...we're making laundry soap!! Exciting, huh? ;)
Julia came over and we learned together! :)

Um...yeah. :)
Time to feed the moo-moos. :) Or give them a treat, rather. ;)

"Yes, I've just come up for a visit. Don't mind me." :)

Our Science Exhibit for State Competition, which I forgot to post earlier...
"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home..." :o)
The greenhouse-windowsill :P

Gorgeous Hollyhocks. :)

The steamy ground after the rain. :)
Lovely Resurrection Day Bouquet

We all enjoy the Keepers of the Faith meetings and projects after Church. :)

Picking blackberries in the "Enchanted Forest." :)

 When Grandmama and Granddaddy leave for MO a couple times a year, we enjoy looking after their little farm :)

 Here we go a-searching for the little newborn calf...
 We spy the Mama...Baby must be near.
 Here's a grapefruit...Please don't kill me when I go take a picture of your baby. :P
 Sweet little guy. :)
 Little birdies in the windowbox are still there. :)
 Lad and Gina--the vicious grove dogs. ;)

Well, that's all folks! Until next time,
"Goodbye, good luck, and my the good Lord take a likin' to ya!" ;)


  1. These pictures are amazing. I felt like I was taking the trip with you. Truly grand!

  2. Great pictures May!!!
    Love you!


  3. Awesome pictures Mary!!

    We had a Great time at y'alls place, Expecially the "cup shredding";)Thanks for having us!


  4. Amazing photos. I felt like I could reach out and actually feel those beautiful flowers. Loved your little guy's haircut. It looked like he was holding still and taking it all in stride.
    Thanks for sharing your adventures around the farm.


  5. I love all the pictures! Everyone of them is so creative. The flowers, dragonflies, horses, your family, everything is so beautiful. :)

    Have a wonderful day! xxxx~Kelsey

  6. Great pics as always! The one of Gabriel and Liv is so nice as are the flower pictures.

    Wills' "tales" are hilarious. Ah...Thomas must be truly patient :)

    Granddaddy looks like he was having such fun with the little boys. Those are priceless pictures aren't they?

    Nate's haircut is so cute. Such a big boy!

    So are you all making your laundry soap all the time now? We did it faithfully in FL but haven't gotten back into it up here yet.

    The horse on the porch is so funny - better than a goat! (I guess!)

    So proud of all you girls' work on your exhibit. I know you worked very hard on it.

    The greenhouse windowsill - we have one of those too!

    Aunt Beth
    -- BTW I love the "family" at the bottom of the blog!


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