Sunday, January 31, 2010

An Abundance of Tomatoes!!

 Yes, as the title so correctly suggests, we have alot of tomatoes! But who can have too many maters?? Certainly not me. Give me three or four....or five a day and I'm happy. Salt and pepper. Mmmmm. Mmmmm. How much tastier can you get?? Thanks to Mama's diligent attention to her precious crop of heirloom  tomatoes, (such as giving them a sufficient dose meal. ugh......) we have a plenty of 'em! Unfortunately, we had to pick all of them the day before it froze, so tons of them weren't even mature yet. But even with losing a bunch, we got about 150 pounds! So......needless to say, we've been cooking, canning, slicing, and dicing lots and lots and lots of tomatoes :):)
 .......A really big tomato! (we had about 15 or 20 that were 13 to 15 inches around!)..................
 We've been ripening them all in the windowsills, etc....They all ripened beautifully.
TOMATOES!!!!  What do you know????
 Some of them are a golden variety. They're really good too:)

  Well, there ya have it. Now I'm off to have a tomato sandwich with salt and pepper and a glass of sweet tea. (Okay, so I'm off to do the dishes and then get to bed......the prior statement sounded much better though.....) Anyways, good night all, and may the Lord bless you :):)

Mary Noelle


  1. Yum! What a beautiful harvest! You Stricklen girls sure have a green thumb!!

  2. Mmmm! I LOVE y'alls tomatoes!

    There's so many ways to fix them! Tomato soup, fried green tomatoes, tomato sandwhiches, salsa, stuffed tomatoes, dried tomatoes, in a nice salad, pickled tomatoes, tomato icecream!! Ok, maybe not that last one:)


  3. Amanda - Mary's pretty creative about making "good for you" ice cream, but....nah not THAT creative ;)

    Ya'll's tomatoes are SO SO wonderful! Thanks for sharing!!

    Love you!
    Aunt Beth
    -- the negligent comment poster

  4. Those are beeyootiful tomatoes! I mean it! As a grateful recipient of the bounty of your garden. Looking forward to more tomatoes -- yum, I am getting hungry for a tomato sandwich!

    the More Negligent Comment Poster!


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