Saturday, January 9, 2010

A few weeks ago, we went to a little Civil War (or War of Northern Aggression to be quite accurate) reenactment in Homeland. We all had alot of fun, even though it was definitely very small with very few people. (Our group made up most of the reenactment:):) Anyways, here are a few pictures. Hope y'all enjoy them and hopefully I'll get our Christmas pictures up next!!!

Lovely ladies

"Ahhh.......What a lovely day in the sunny South!!!":oD :oD

Cal and I

Abby and Sadie

Emma Janey

Mariah and Chelsea

Daddy and Mr. Doolin stroll through historic Homeland Park

My wonderful parents!!!

There were a few good sutlers:):):)

~~~Lovely little ladies!~~~


The beautiful old church

The picnic spot:oD

Yay! A smile from Josiah!!:):):)

As the battle rages.......Hehe;)


Our group of reenactors

The Discher children

The Stricklen children (William did not want to have his picture taken unless he had a gun like the other boys.....Just in case you were wondering)


Well, that would be it, folks! Hope you all enjoyed it!!!
May the Lord abundantly bless you!

~Mary Noelle~


  1. That was a very nice post, Mary. I always love to catch up on y'all's posts for the events I miss. It looks like you had a very pleasant day -- well, for a battle day, that is.


  2. Oh you had some wonderful pictures, Mary! I loved the one of Emma holding on to Gracie!

    Your new blog is very nice and we finally got it linked properly to ours :)

    Love you!
    Aunt Beth

  3. Great post, Mary! :) And I love (!!!!!) the new look on the new blog! :) :) :)


  4. It looks like it was an absolutely beautiful day! I think the pictures of y'all and the Dischers on the church steps are fantastic.

    Aunt Katie


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