Sunday, January 3, 2010

At Last......A Post!!!

 I guess I'd better get started at getting y'all all up-to-date again.....I've been having technical difficulties that my non-computer brain couldn't figure out, thus the new blog. (I won't even try to explain, even though I'm sure it was something ridiculously simple to all of you computer gurus like Matthew) Anyways, here are some completely random pictures of just normal, every-day life in the Stricklen household. This is where I'll start at getting you all up to date, I guess. (Someday, maybe, I'll crawl into last place at getting my Christmas pictures up......) Anyways, y'all enjoy these! May the Lord bless you and keep you!

 A very late Merry Christmas and a Happy, Blessed New Year!!!
~Mary Noelle~

What do you do with lots of Persimmons? Well, there's Persimmon Bread, Persimmon Jam, Persimmon Pie......Wait....Persimmon Pie?? Never heard of it. Really??? Neither have I. Hmmm......not a bad idea, though. Who said there's no such thing as Persimmon Pie? I didn't......

.........Well, here she goes.......Let's start by making the pie crust. Good idea?? I Thought so:)

Step 1 complete.

Time for the persimmons and a few strawberries for color. Looks good so far........

Add some agave and lemon juice......


 Mmmm! Lovely!:oD
(In case anyone wondered, it was very good. Kind of like peach pie;)

 Yes......They love each other.........

 They really do.....:):)

 Hehe:) Seriously, they do. CJ is definitely a sweet, patient big brother.

They're so cute in their little Scottish outfits:oD

He's singing "Bronco Rider" with all of his might while trying to play the guitar......

Awww....A wittle angel;)

 A good day's work:)
Peach, strawberry, and blueberry jam, tangerines and Navel oranges.

 Christmas cookies......but that shall be for another post:):)

 Now, let's meander out to the garden and see what's growin' on....(EEEK! Corny Alarm!! Corny Alarm!! I can't believe I just said that.......)

"Someday I'll be just like my Daddy!":):)

 Sweet potatoes that look oh-so-perty, but need to be dug up:)

 Squash and Zucchini

Beans--Quite obviously

Banana Peppers

My new favorite vegetable--Kohlrabi!

Swiss Chard (Arrggg! There is a smudge on the camera lense!!!)

Lovely Little Lettuces:):):)

Ahhh......My favorite! Homegrown Tomatoes!:oD

And lots of 'em too!:)

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah
 Psalm 68:19

What a beautiful, sunny, winter day to take a bike ride! (Huh??....beautiful, sunny, winter?? Yep. Only in Florida:)

Here we go:)

Mmmm! Navel oranges are my absolutely favorite fruit!!!!:oD

The sun peeps through after a good, cool rain

The men shoot some trap on a cool Sunday evening........

Master Pete gives it a try with his sharpshooting eye....;)

As does Granddaddy:)

As the sun goes down on a cool, Florida day.......

Ahhh....Who needs the Araura Borealis??  

 Another beautiful, blessed day in warm, sunny Central Florida gracefully comes to a close. (Enough adjectives, ya think??:) There! I hope y'all enjoyed my extremely random post! Next--Well, actually, I'm not sure what comes next, so I'll just keep y'all in suspense..........'Till next time!:)

The Lord bless you and keep you!
Mary Noelle


  1. Mary, You do such a great job with your blog. I love the new look. Well, I loved the old one, too.

    Your garden looks absolutely wonderful, as usual!! Great pictures of beautiful Florida.

    BTW: I like your "corny" captions. They're quite funny to me. You already sound like your daddy:)

    Love to all,
    Mrs. P

  2. Mary, You take such beautiful photos! I would love to have your pie crust recipe.

    Mrs. S

  3. What a beautiful new blog! I love that picture at the top -- it truly captures the essence of what we love about Florida. We were reading this as we traveled home from Five-Degrees-Above-Zero-Missouri (freezing all the way, BTW), and it felt so good to see the random pictures that made us want to get home!

    It's been 4 weeks since I posted anything, and you have inspired me to just do a "random" post.


  4. Well, that persimmon pie looks dee-licious! I would love to try it! We've got lots of persimmon trees, so I'll have to remember to get the recipe from you next fall.

    I'm very jealous of your garden! It makes me anxious for spring so we can get started!

    Aunt Katie

  5. Hello Stickland Family!
    Your garden is amazing! Wow! Good work!
    The Hopes


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