Saturday, March 6, 2010


I don't know what being "Discherless" has to do with this post, but it seemed like an appropriate title since the Dischers have officially left us and Sunny Florida behind and are getting settled in their new home up north.
Waaah! I can't believe they're gone! We don't know what to do without them!:) But I hope the Lord blesses them in their new location, (or brings them back.....Heehee!! You can't blame me for hoping )
Well, here it is! Hope y'all enjoy it, Discherless though it may be :):)
 What am I gonna do without Emma?? I guess I'll have to think up naughty schemes all by myself!
Abby....just being herself
 CJ used his own money to buy his "real-looking" gun which he is very, very proud of  ;)
 Callie occupied with her favorite past-time, sewing.........
..... While I have been busy with one of mine. Making peanut butter cookies.......
 And strawberry smoothies:):)
The garden, quite obviously
Brussel Sprouts. One of our last winter crops
Little peas popping up:D

 CJ's radishes

 "I wonder if the cabbage knows

He is less lovely than the Rose;

Or does he squat in smug content,

A source of noble nourishment;

Or if he pities for her sins

The Rose who has no vitamins;

Or if the one thing his green heart knows --

That self-same fire that warms the Rose?"

 The peach tree laden with lovely blossoms....


I thought this was a pretty weed, so I dug it up and put it in a pot. (It was just a sprout when I found it, though:)
Granddaddy's cows make quite lovely subjects for a photo shoot if you ask me:D
Hey, can I have some?? I really need it. Can't you tell?
I guess I'd better hurry up and get inside, huh?
Well, there you have it. Was that the most random post you've ever read in your life? I thought so.
Hehe:) Well, I hope y'all enjoyed it anyways. May the Lord bless you and keep you!


  1. Oh, I did enjoy it, Mary Noelle! Those are wonderful photographs -- the honeybees on the peach blossoms; the cookies ( ! ) ; the garden produce; lovely Florida winter scenes, and especially sweet grandbabies! Yes, Discherless -- Willie is taking a while to get accustomed to it all.

    BTW, the cabbage poem is just adorable, as is the cabbage head holder!


  2. Beautiful photos Mary! Your photography always inspires me to look at God's world from a different perspective.

    Mrs. Stevens

  3. What great pictures! Abby's hair is so long a beautiful! (I'm trying not to be coveteous!)

    Willie, Sam would be glad to get into some trouble with you!

    I love the cabbage poem! I was expecting to see the name of one of my nieces under it!

    Aunt Katie

  4. Thank y'all for the comments and compliments:) Aunt Katie, I'm sure Wil would be only too glad to get into some trouble with Sam! He misses his buddies;)



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